
How to Train for the Horse Race in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley

Here is How to Train Your Horse for the Horse Race with Bob or Gwen in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley

You can train for the horse race in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley. Here, Bob or Gwen will be your rival during the race.

But the problem is that how to approach Bob or Gwen so they would train with you? When can you train for the horse race?

How to Train for the Horse Race Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley

Ok, before I explain that, you might want to know some of the below information.

There are many advantages of horse race training.

First, you can get the best strategy to win the horse race. This is very useful if you follow The Tale of Horse Champion event path and want to defeat Mecha Horse.

Second, you can increase the friendship points with Bob and Gwen.

Third, you can increase your horse running speed.

Well, for you who have a problem or don't know how to train for the horse race in HM: HoLV. Please read these tips carefully.

Requirements to be able to Train for the Horse Race in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley

1. You have to be friends with Bob or Gwen at least they have 2 hearts

Just talk and give Bob Egg or Milk, and Cranberry or Full Moon Berry to Gwen every day to increase their hearts quickly.

In time, they'll come to your house to tell you that they are ready to help you to train for the horse race. They also tell you about their schedule. This scene occurs after your horse can run. After that, you can start horse racing practice with them.

2. Your horse can run

As I've explained above, this also includes the main requirement. Your horse can start running when he/she already has 2 hearts or more.

3. Your horse is not in a bad mood or sick condition

Talk to your horse or check in the balance sheet on the diary to see the condition of your horse.

4. The weather is sunny and cloudy or not rainy

If it rains, you can not train, it's impossible to horse race on rainy days because your horse can get sick. In addition to this, Bob or Gwen will not be in the starling ranch (Bob's farm), they will rest in their respective homes.

How to Train Your Horse with Bob or Gwen for the Horse Race in HM: HoLV

The first option

Go to the starlight ranch on Tuesday or Thursday from 9 AM to 1 PM. You don't have to take your horse with you to Bob's farm for training.

But, remember, don't come outside of these hours. There, you'll find Bob or Gwen standing around the animal's barn.

If you come there on Tuesday, you'll meet Gwen while on Thursday, you'll see Bob.

Talk to Bob or Gwen, later will appear an option to Talk or Train. You're given the freedom to choose the type of race, you can choose short, long, and steeplechase.

Before the race started, you'll also be given an opportunity to select items to support the race.

Even though I've spoken to Bob on Thursday or Gwen on Tuesday, why is there no option to train?

More likely you haven't met the requirements I have explained above. So again, check the requirements. But for Gwen, I think you can only train with her in Fall.

The second option

This second way happens randomly (before the horse race in the village) when you leave your house. So, there will be a scene where Gwen or Bob coming to your house to invite you to train for the horse race. Here, you can refuse or accept it.

If you accept, you are suddenly told to select the supporting items for the race, then teleport to the racetrack and immediately get ready for a horse race with Bob or Gwen.

That's how to approach Bob or Gwen to train with you for the Horse Race in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley. Do you have any questions? Don't be shy to ask me through the comments below.

Read also: How to Always Win the Horse Race in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley

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